Creative Director Illustrator Photographer


 So here it is.

A website full of everything my heart holds dear. My drawings, my photos, my videos, my life (oh and my work portfolio.) Things I have done for other people and things I did for myself. It's a big and scary thing to put yourself out there, but I do believe that art (whatever that is) is meant to be shared. 

I don't really have a style or at least I try not to and just when I start to develop one it changes. My mom taught me photography, Full Sail University taught me graphic design, and I just sorta fumble through everything else. When photographing, I am there to capture not create. Created photographs might tempt you now, promising your best angle and most flattering likeness, but years from now it is the real moments captured that will ultimately transfer you back in time. 

All photos on this site were taken by Brooke Gautreaux as she has been traveling the world searching for Hogwarts.