
So here is the truth, I am uploading these about a year too late, AND I only actually have these photos because I uploaded them to Facebook at some point. I can’t believe it. This kind of behavior is so not like me. I spent about an hour searching my hard drives, my cloud storage, everything and they have simply disappeared. All this to say we should all be better about protecting our memories. Organize it and back it up. Otherwise, we would only have our brains which are rotting, so it’s not a fail-safe.

Sooooo I decided when I was 28 that I MUST go to Yosemite for my 30th birthday and I must climb something hard, AND then, and only then will I allow myself to be 30. Foolish mortal. Well, it was an incredible (and very hard check!) experience. When I look at these photos, and I see these people whom I love even more than mountains, I want to cry at the whole situation. Eh, look at the pictures you get it.